Guest Scholars and Research Visitors
Guest Scholars and Research Visitors are from other institutions who are granted temporary status at the University of Notre Dame. Although these appointments carry no financial assistance, the Institute can provide support services that may help in research. Both affiliations have access to the library, email and secure Internet, and other University facilities and services. On a space-available basis, shared office space and/or an on-campus apartment may be offered to Guest Scholars upon request.
Guest Scholars
Individual must be visiting from an outside institution or organization; must be a recognized expert in his or her field, who are visiting/collaborating with Kellogg Faculty Fellows and the full source of financial support is a source external to the University of Notre Dame (e.g. home institution, Fulbright, personal funds, etc).
A Kellogg Institute Faculty Fellow must agree to serve as sponsor to the application and willing to serve as the guest’s faculty host for facilitating interactions on campus. Applicants must provide a CV and a proposal that clearly explains the particular benefits that will be gained or a research plan with expected goals to be achieved by a period of appointment at the Kellogg Institute and University of Notre Dame.
Typically, the period will be up to one semester-term during the academic year. Preference is given to scholars who are engaged in work directly related to our research themes or working collaboratively with an Institute faculty fellow or ND researchers.
Graduate Research Visitors
Individual is a pre-doctoral graduate student registered at an educational institution that is not the University of Notre Dame, pursuing research related to their degree program. A Kellogg Institute Faculty Fellow must agree to serve as a sponsor to the application and agree to mentor the graduate research visitor and facilitate interactions on campus.
Applicants must provide a CV, a proposal that clearly explains a research plan, and a letter with expected goals to be achieved by a period of appointment at the Kellogg Institute and University of Notre Dame. Typically, the period will be up to a one semester-term during the academic year.
2024-25 Guest Scholars
Research Visitors
Menchely Montes Trinidad
Autonomous University of Nuevo León, México
(August - November 2024)
Mayara Hemann Lamberti
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
(August 2024 - February 2025)
2023-24 Guest Scholars
2023-24 Research Visitors
Alejandra Irene Cueto Piazza
Brown University
August 2023 - May 2024
Raysa Dantas Loureiro
Federal University of Espíritu Santo
October 2023 - March 2024
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
January 2024 - May 2024
2022-23 Guest Scholars
2022-23 Research Visitors
Bruno Martins Pessoa
University of São Paulo
September 2022 - February 2023
Patrick Peltz
University of Hamburg
September - December 2022
2021-22 Guest Scholars
2021-22 Research Visitors
Carlos Santibáñez García
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
August 2021- May 2022
Balázs Tárnok
National University of Public Service
January-December 2021
Verónica Viteri
Universidad de Navarra
June - August 2021
2020-21 Guest Scholars
2020-21 Research Visitors
Balázs Tárnok
National University of Public Service
January-December 2021
Verónica Viteri
Universidad de Navarra, Spain
June 2021 - August 2021
2019-20 Guest Scholars
2019-20 Research Visitors
Adriana Albanus
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
January 14 - December 15, 2020
Adriana Cobas
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
September 1 - October 31, 2019
Aleida Garcia Aguirre
Center for Research and Advanced Studies of National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
Academic Year 2019-2020
Samuel Štefan Mahút
Catholic University in Ružomberok
February 12-May 28, 2020
2018-19 Guest Scholars
2018-19 Research Visitors
Carlos Cascante Segura
University of Costa Rica
October 29 - December 14, 2018
Federico Fuchs
University of Chapel Hill
Academic Year 2018-19
Israel Garcia Solares
Colegio de Mexico
Fall semester
Karina Denari de Mattos
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
Fall Semester
Xochitl Mata
Universidad de Navarra, Spain
June 15 - October 31, 2018