Kellogg-Affiliated Scholars Receive New Democracy Catalyst Grants
Dec 2, 2024
We invite applications from University of Notre Dame PhD and JSD students interested in becoming a part of a vibrant interdisciplinary community centered on international research themes of democracy and human development.
As a doctoral student affiliate, you have multiple opportunities to engage with the Kellogg community to enhance your wider experience at the University of Notre Dame. In turn, your participation in Institute activities enriches our intellectual community.
Tuesdays at 12:30 pm and Thursdays at 4:00 pm, respectively, during most weeks when classes are in session.
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Reach out to the over 130 Notre Dame scholars whose research is at the core of the Institute’s work.
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Get to know outstanding scholars from around the world undertaking international research in a variety of disciplines.
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At Kellogg, meet other students from around the world who share the Institute’s international and thematic interests.
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... or work with a Kellogg faculty fellow to propose a new one! Working groups bring together faculty and students from across the University to focus attention on emerging research themes or topical, interdisciplinary issues.
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Affiliates become eligible for the following funding opportunities:
Graduate research grants
Conference travel grants
Professionalization grants
Dissertation year fellowships
This program is open to all PhD and JSD students at the University of Notre Dame. In exceptional cases, we will consider master’s students with a letter of support from a faculty fellow. (Note: Recipients of Kellogg PhD Fellowships, which are awarded before arrival at Notre Dame, automatically receive affiliate status and need not apply.)
Successful applicants will demonstrate an interest and clear connection to the work of the Institute and its faculty fellows.
Keep up on news related to our Doctoral Student Affiliates.