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Friends of Kellogg Reception
Thursday, June 13
7:30-10:00 pm

Trv 4 Bis # 56A – 52
Chapinero Alto, Bogotá


Kalman Silvert Awardee - Lifetime Achievement Award

Former Kellogg Advisory Board member, Abraham F. Lowenthal, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California
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Kellogg-affiliated scholars participating in LASA events this year!

Times listed are Colombia time (COT)

Wednesday, June 12, 8:30 to 10:00 am 

LASA Section Roundtable: Discusión del libro "Resisting Backsliding", de Laura Gamboa
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Luis L. Schenoni (Chair)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Laura Gamboa (Presenter)
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 10:20 to 11:50 am 

Panel:  The Dynamics and Legacies of Armed Conflict in Guatemala
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Joséphine Lechartre (VIRTUAL Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Roundtable: LASA/Africa: Tejiendo lazos entre África y América Latina
Kellogg Institute Director, Anibal Perez-Linan (Chair)

Wednesday, June 12, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Disinformation and the Politics of Lying
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Organizer)

Wednesday, June 12, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Forced Migration and Migrant Resistance in the Americas: Reconsidering Decision-Making Processes and Future Life Projections in Contexts of Multiple Crisis
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Xóchitl Bada (Chair, Organizer, Presenter)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Andreas E. Feldmann (Discussant)

Wednesday, June 12, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Electoral Integrity and Political Participation in Latin America
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Organizer)

Wednesday, June 12, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Democracy, Print Culture and the Public Sphere, in Latin America 1780-1920 - Part I
Former Visiting Fellow, Eduardo Posada-Carbó (Chair)

Wednesday, June 12, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Dispossessions and Reclamation of History, Territory, and Water: Legal and Geographic Terrains
Former Visiting Fellow, Tulia G. Falleti (Presenter)
Presentation: The Timing of Legal Recognition: Indigenous Communities in Argentina (1978–2022)

Wednesday, June 12, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Roundtable: Paz en América Latina: Repensando una agenda de investigación empírica
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Luis L. Schenoni (Organizer)
Former Visiting Fellow, Arie M. Kacowicz (Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Roundtable: Collaborative and Community Driven Methods in Research and International Engagement in Colombia
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Angela J. Lederach (Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Witnesses in the Spanish American Colonial Archive / Testigos en el archivo colonial hispanoamericano
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Karen Graubart (Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Roundtable: Un diálogo sobre tribunales, constitución, política y movilización
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Sandra Botero (Organizer, Presenter)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Ezequiel Gonzalez Ocantos (Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Politics of crime: Drugs, Immigration, and Criminal Governance in Latin America
Kellogg PhD Alum, Javier Osorio  (Presenter)
Presentation: Demand and Supply of Criminal Governance: Experimental Evidence from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador
Former Visiting Fellow, Verónica Zubillaga (Presenter)
Presentation: Zonas de Paz y control local territorial en tiempos de revolución post-Chávez: La Zona Negra de los pactos político-criminales y la gobernanza criminal en Caracas

Wednesday, June 12, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Los desafíos del archivo efímero en América Latina
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, María Rosa Olivera-Williams (Presenter)
Paper: Lo efímero en España contemporánea como archivo de la modernidad

Wednesday, June 12, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Political Economy of Land
Former Visiting Fellow, Tulia G. Falleti (Chair)

Wednesday, June 12, 3:50 to 5:20pm

LASA Section Panel: Pensar lo in-común: Monstruos, espectros, pelos, garras en las producciones estéticas venezolanas (siglo XXI)
Kellogg Institute, Magdalena Lopez (Presenter)
Presentation: Convivencialidades espectrales: La pérdida y el fantasma en recientes escrituras venezolanas

Wednesday, June 12, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Featured Session: Premio Iberoamericano Book Award: Francesca Lessa
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, María Rosa Olivera-Williams (Chair, Organizer)

Wednesday, June 12, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Extralegal Actors and the State: Violence, Victims, and Vestiges - Part 2
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Abby Cordova (Presenter)
Presentation: Citizen Responses to Gender and Non-Gender based Violence in Criminal Wars

Wednesday, June 12, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Roundtable: Gustavo Petro vs. Rodolfo Hernández: ¿Dos populismos encontrados?
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Sandra Botero (Presenter)

Wednesday, June 12, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: The Economic Roots of Political Power
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Carlo Nasi (Chair, Presenter)
Presentation: El cabildeo en Colombia: descifrando la gramática de poder

Thursday, June 13, 8:30 to 10:00 am

Panel:  Nuevas miradas a las transiciones forestales en la Amazonía peruana
Former Visiting Fellow, Elena H Álvarez (Chair)

Thursday, June 13, 8:30 to 10:00 am

Panel: The resurgence/persistence of oligarchic rule and the oligarchic state in Latin America
Former Visiting Fellow, Max Cameron (Presenter)

Thursday, June 13, 8:30 to 10:00 am

Panel: Historical and Contemporary Effects of Migration in Latin America
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Abby Cordova (Chair)

Thursday, June 13, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Los regímenes populistas: Sus características, durabilidad y evolución
Former Visiting Fellow, Margarita López Maya (Presenter)
Paper: Left-wing Populists in Government: The Experience of Venezuela

Thursday, June 13, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Prisons, Police, Profits, and Politics: Violence and Accommodation in Brazil and Mexico
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Abby Cordova (Chair)
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Presenter)
Presentation: Collateral Damage: Why Mexico's War on Drugs Produces Violence against Local Elites

Thursday, June 13, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Political Parties in Latin America
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Annabella Espana-Najera (Chair, Presenter)
Presentation: The Price of Loyalty: Party Switching in Guatemala’s Congress

Thursday, June 13, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Martyrdom, Religion, and Politics in Contemporary Latin America
Former Visiting Fellow, Gema Kloppe-Santamaria (Presenter)

Thursday, June 13, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Parliamentary Cultures in Latin America: Origins and Developments, 1810-1930 - Part I
Former Visiting Fellow, Eduardo Posada-Carbó (Organizer)

Thursday, June 13, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Parties, Voters, and Electoral Participation
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Organizer)

Thursday, June 13, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial: Entre el conflicto, la negociación y los límites
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Laura Gamboa (Organizer, Presenter)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Sandra Botero (Presenter)
Presentation: Legislando vía la Corte: Congreso y Corte Constitucional en Colombia
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Benjamin Garcia Holgado (Presenter)
Presentation: Overruling the Executive: Judicial Strategies to Resist Democratic Erosion

Thursday, June 13, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Parliamentary Cultures in Latin America: Origins and Developments, 1810-1930 - Part II
Former Visiting Fellow, Eduardo Posada-Carbó (Organizer, Presenter)
Presentation: The Origins and Developments of a Parliamentary Culture in Colombia (1821–1885)

Thursday, June 13, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Rethinking Food in Latin American Literature and Culture
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Vanesa A. Miseres (Discussant)

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

LASA Intersection Panel: Problemas en la agricultura y el medio ambiente en el Perú
Former Visiting Fellow, Elena H Álvarez (Author, Organizer)

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Author Meets Critic: "The Paradox of Violence in Venezuela"
Former Visiting Fellow, David A. Smilde (Organizer)
Incoming Visiting Fellow, Rebecca A. Hanson (Chair)
Former Visiting Fellow, Verónica Zubillaga (Discussant)
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Presenter)

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Peopling Health in Peru: Care, Collective Resistance, and Ethnographic Approximations towards Health for All
Latin American Studies Minor Alumni, Justin Perez (Organizer, Presenter)

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: New Research on Social Policies: Presidents, Policy Legacies and Public Opinion Since 2021
Former Visiting Fellow, Diego Sánchez-Ancochea (Presenter)
Presentation: Vaccination, Legacies, and Political Regimes in Central America
Former Visiting Fellow: Juliana Martínez Franzoni (Presenter)
Presentation: Analyzing Public Opinion on Cash Transfers toward Children in Seven Countries in Latin America: Bringing In Relational Preferences: Merike H. Blofield, University of Hamburg

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Polarization in Latin America: Trends, Causes, Puzzles
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Ezequiel Gonzalez Ocantos (Chair, Presenter)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Carlos E. Meléndez (Presenter)
Presentation: The Social Anchors of Affective Polarization: Programmatic Preferences, Social Distance, and Ontological Security in Argentina and Brazil (with Gonzalez Ocantos)

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Intersections of Heritage, Diaspora, and Diplomacy: Reexamining Latin America's Place in the Global System
Former Visiting Fellow, Arie M. Kacowicz (Presenter)
Presentation: Jews in Latin America: Transnational and IR Perspectives: Geopolitical Contents and Diaspora Interactions

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Inequality, Polarization, and Challenges to Democracy in Latin America
Former Visiting Fellow, Raul L. Madrid (Organizer, Chair, Presenter)
Presentation: Suffrage Rights, Voter Turnout and Democracy in Latin America

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Violencia de género y condición femenina en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Ruth N. Solarte (Organizer, Presenter) 
Presentation: Juguemos en el bosque mientras el lobo no está: Violencia de género en los cuentos de Pilar Quintana

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Moda, alimentación, imagen: Estéticas higienistas del cuerpo finisecular - Parte 2
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Vanesa A. Miseres (Presenter)
Presentation: Vegetarianismo y políticas del cuerpo en la cultura moderna latinoamericana

Thursday, June 13, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Politics and Organized Crime in the Southern Cone 
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Andreas Feldmann (Presenter)
Presentation: Criminal Politics and Botched Development in Contemporary Latin America
Former Visiting Fellow, Hernán Flom (Presenter)
Presentation: Subnational Criminal Politics: The Case(s) of Drug Trafficking in Argentina

Thursday, June 13, 3:50 to 5:20 pm

Panel: Addressing Inequality and Redistribution in Latin America
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Isabel Güiza-Gómez (Organizer, Presenter)
Presentation: Protecting Land in Courtrooms: Elites and Judicial Behavior in the Colombian Land Restitution Program

Thursday, June 13, 5:00 to 5:30 pm

Author(s) and Book Presentation: Diamela Eltit: Essays on Chilean Literature, Politics, and Culture
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, María Rosa Olivera-Williams (Presenter)

Thursday, June 13, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Presidential Session: La deriva autoritaria en las Américas
Kellogg Institute Director, Anibal Perez-Linan (Presenter)

Friday, June 14, 8:30 to 10:00 am

LASA Section Panel: Fronteras del Saber, la Acción, la Razón y la Ecología
Former Visiting Fellow, Elena H Álvarez (Chair)

Friday, June 14, 8:30 to 10:00 am

Panel: Conductas de riesgo, cuidados queer: Literatura, artes visuales y performance del Cono Sur
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Ignacio Sánchez-Osores (Presenter)
Presentation: Yeguas, pero feministas: Alianzas y saberes en los extramuros de la dictadura

Friday, June 14, 10:20 to 11:50 am

LASA Section Roundtable: Perspectivas y desafíos de los centros de estudios sobre América Latina
Kellogg Institute Director, Anibal Perez-Linan (Organizer)

Friday, June 14, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Featured Session: Kalman Silvert Award
Former Visiting Fellow, Margarita López Maya (Session Organizer, Chair)
Presenter: Former Kellogg Advisory Board member, Abraham F. Lowenthal

Friday, June 14, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: La incidencia transnacional en los derechos laborales de trabajadores migrantes
Former Guest Scholar, Guillermo Yrizar_Barbosa (Presenter)

Friday, June 14, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Colonialism at the Periphery - Part 2
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Diego Felipe López Aguirre (Presenter)
Presentation: Anticuarismo criollo: El caso de la “librería” de Juan Flórez de Ocáriz

Friday, June 14, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Peace Meets Violence(s): Actors, Structures, Processes - Part 1
Former Visiting Fellow, Gema Kloppe-Santamaria (Chair)

Friday, June 14, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Polarization, Ideologies and Conflict in Current Latin America, at the Societal Level
Former Visiting Fellow, Juliana Martínez Franzoni (Discussant)

Friday, June 14, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: De Facto and de Jure: Paths Toward Overcoming Impunity
Kellogg PhD Fellow, Mayra Ortiz Ocaña (Organizer, Chair, Presenter)
Kellogg Institute Director, Anibal Perez-Linan (Organizer)
Presentation: Prosecuting Perpetrators in the Inter-American System of Human Rights (with Mayra Ortiz)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Ezequiel Gonzalez Ocantos (Discussant)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Luiz Vilaça (Presenter)
Presentation: Gender and Sentencing in Corruption Trials: Evidence from Brazil’s Lava Jato

Friday, June 14, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Populism and Democratic Backsliding
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Organizer)
Former Visiting Fellow, Javier Perez Sandoval (Chair, Presenter)
Presentation: Multilevel Backsliding? Assessing Democratic Performance across Subnational Units in Contemporary Latin America

Friday, June 14, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Reaction and Resistance: Religious Discourse of Violence
Former Visiting Fellow, Gema Kloppe-Santamaria (Presenter)
Presentation: The Politics of the Sacred: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Religious Violence in Mid-Twentieth Century Mexico and Colombia

Friday, June 14, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: The Rise and Consolidation of the Far-Right in Latin America
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Carlos E. Meléndez (Organizer)

Friday, June 14, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Indicadores cotidianos de paz: Miradas críticas desde las comunidades sobre los procesos locales de paz en el posconflicto colombiano
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Leslie E. MacColman (Organizer, Presenter)
Presentation: ¿Cuál es y cuál debería ser el rol del estado en los procesos de reconciliación?: Un análisis comparado de representaciones cotidianas en Colombia y Sri Lanka
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Angela J. Lederach (Chair, Discussant)

Friday, June 14, 3:50 to 5:20 pm

Panel: 40 años de la Declaración de Cartagena sobre Refugiados: Logros y desafíos
Former Guest Scholar, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa (Chair)

Friday, June 14, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Feminismos, género, migraciones y academias desde una perspectiva transatlántica
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Vanesa A. Miseres (Chair)

Friday, June 14, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Desplazamientos, inmovilidades, esperas y atrapamientos en el México de hoy
Former Guest Scholar, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa (Discussant)

Friday, June 14, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Reformas de los sistemas de salud en América Latina y el Caribe en el siglo XXI
Former Visiting Fellow, Juliana Martínez Franzoni (Chair)

Friday, June 14, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Tanato-ficciones: suplicios, espectros y monstruos en la literatura hispanoamericana moderna y contemporánea
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Eduardo Febres (Organizer)
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Joaquin I Venturini (Chair, Presenter)
Presentation: Conjuros de Erzebet: Los suplicios de la doncella de hierro o las torres de la atrocidad

Saturday, June 15, 8:30 to 10:00 am

LASA Section Panel: Indigenous and Community Resistance: Biocentric Solutions To Resource Extraction, Green Energy and Climate Change
Former Visiting Fellow, Elena H Álvarez (Session Organizer)

Saturday, June 15, 8:30 to 10:00 am

Workshop: Is "Total Peace" Possible? Questions from Colombia and Venezuela
Former Visiting Fellow, Verónica Zubillaga, (Session Organizer, Chair, Presenter)
Former Visiting Fellow, David Smilde, (Presenter)
Incoming Visiting Fellow, Rebecca A. Hanson (Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 8:30 to 10:00 am

Roundtable: Political Economy of Elites in Latin America: Wealth, Power, and Contestation (CALAS)
Former Visiting Fellow, Rose Spalding (Organizer)

Saturday, June 15, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Workshop: Archivos de resistencia cultural: Retos y proyecciones de las humanidades digitales en el
cambio de siglo latinoamericano
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, María Rosa Olivera-Williams (Chair)

Saturday, June 15, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Workshop: Right against Rights Workshop
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Sandra Botero (Organizer)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Omar C. Coronel (Presenter)
Former Visiting Fellow, Leigh A. Payne (Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Roundtable: Cuestiones pendientes sobre el Nuevo Reino de Granada en los siglos XVI a XVIII
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Max Deardorff (Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Roundtable: Book Presentation: "Popular Politics and Protest Event Analysis in Latin America"
Former Visiting Fellow, Margarita López Maya (Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 10:20 to 11:50 am

Panel: Violencia obstétrica: Aciertos y desafíos de/desde Latinoamérica
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Cora Fernández Anderson (Organizer)

Saturday, June 15, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Roundtable: Latin America's Troubled Elections: Advocates Report from El Salvador, Venezuela, Mexico and Guatemala
Former Visiting Fellow, David Smilde, (Session Organizer)

Saturday, June 15, 12:10 to 1:40 pm

Panel: Religion and Politics in Latin America: Social and Political Activisms
Former Visiting Fellow, Matthew E. Carnes (Presenter)
Presentation: Energizer, Enabler, or Bridge? The Role of Religious Actors in Latin American Social Welfare

Saturday, June 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Nuevas perspectivas sobre desplazamiento forzado en América Latina
Former Visiting Fellow, Manolo E. Vela Castañeda  (Organizer, Chair, Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Social Media and Political Participation in Polarized Elections
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Guillermo Trejo (Organizer)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Juan G. Albarracin Dierolf (Discussant)

Saturday, June 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Panel: Backlash to Protest in the Extractive Sector: Company, Institutional, and Political Responses
Former Visiting Fellow, Rose Spalding (Presenter)
Presentation: Corporate Responses to Mining Resistance: Company Use of ISDS Mechanisms in Extractive Sector Conflicts

Saturday, June 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Roundtable: La ética y la construcción de paz en Colombia: Una mirada desde lo local
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Angela J. Lederach (Organizer)

Saturday, June 15, 3:50 to 5:20 pm 

Panel: Exploring Subnational Dynamics of Inequality and Development in Latin America
Former Visiting Fellow, Ana Arjona (Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 3:50 to 5:20 pm 

Roundtable: Paz y opinión pública en Colombia
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Sandra Botero (Organizer, Chair)
Kellogg Faculty Fellow, Abby Cordova (Discussant)
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Juan G. Albarracin Dierolf (Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 3:50 to 5:20 pm 

Panel: Imperialism and Independence
Former Visiting Fellows, Carlos Guevara Mann (Presenter)
Presentation: Agents of Empire or Promoters of Civilization? Two Hundred Years of Foreign Consuls in Panama

Saturday, June 15, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: La corrupción rampante y el antiprogreso: Andes-Amazonía, ejemplos para reflexionar y actuar
Former Visiting Fellow, Elena H Álvarez (Chair)

Saturday, June 15, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Geographies of South America
Former Visiting Fellow, Denisa Jashari  (Chair, Presenter)

Saturday, June 15, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: State and Society in Mexico during the 1970s and '80s
Former Visiting Fellow, Adela Cedillo (Discussant, Presenter)
Presentation: The Impact of the Camarena Case on the Rise of Neoliberalism in Mexico, 1982-1988
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Jorge Ivan Puma Crespo (Presenter)
Presentation: “Pronunciarse publicamente por los oprimidos”: The Transnational Catholic Left in Mexico and the Maoist Option for the Poor during the 1970s, the Case of Juan Riera

Saturday, June 15, 5:40 to 7:10 pm

Panel: Exploring Subnational Dynamics of Inequality and Development in Latin America II
Kellogg PhD Alumni, Lucas Isaac I. Gonzalez (Discussant, Presenter)
Presentation: States, Alliances, and Subnational Inequality: Argentina (2003–2019)