Director and Principal Investigator 

Guillermo Trejo, Professor of Political Science and Faculty Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame

Co-Principal Investigators

Juan Albarracín, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)

Abby Córdova, Associate Professor of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame


Doctoral Research Associates

(University of Notre Dame)

Diana Isabel Güiza-Gómez, PhD student of Peace Studies and Political Science


Joséphine Lechartre, PhD student of Peace Studies and Political Science


Natán Skigin, PhD student of Political Science



Policy Practitioners

Lorena Bazay, LLM (Peru and Mexico)

Nancy Bautista Segundo, LLM (Mexico)

Jean Mendieta, MA Peace Studies (Mexico)

Fabián Sánchez Matus, LLM (Mexico)

Ligia del Valle, LLM (Guatemala)

Paula Cuellar, LLM (El Salvador)


Research Affiliates

Sandra Ley, Assistant Professor of Political Science, CIDE, Mexico City

Camilo Nieto-Matiz, Post Doctoral Fellow, Center for Inter-American Policy and Research, Tulane University

Lucía Tiscornia, Assistant Professor, School of Politics and International Relations; Fellow with the Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland


Research Assistants

(University of Notre Dame)

María Elizondo Guajardo, LLM, Law School