The connection between research and practice that characterizes the V-TJLab was initially forged through a series of international conferences organized by our team and sponsored by the Kellogg Institute and Notre Dame International. Here is a list of past events and of future events that will continue to stimulate the academic-practice cooperation.
Upcoming Events
Ongoing Events
Kroc-Kellogg Peace, Conflict, Crime, and Violence Working Group
Past Events
- A Truth Commission for Mexico? (Fall 2014) Conference held at the University of Notre Dame. [Kellogg Institute]
- Breaking State Impunity: Lessons from Latin America for Mexico. (Fall 2016) Conference held at CIDE, Mexico City. [Kellogg Institute & CIDE]
- The Challenges of Transitional Justice in Mexico: Truth, Justice, and Peace. (Fall 2018) Conference held at Westin Hotel, Mexico City. [Notre Dame International]
V-TJ Flash Panel: "Militarization and Police Brutality in Latin America" | Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Join us for an afternoon of two panels and discussions, first examining the current situation in Colombia and then looking at the region in a comparative perspective.