Notre Dame Reparations Design and Compliance Lab


Lab Team


Directors and PI’s


Aníbal Pérez-Liñán
Director and Principal Investigator

Director of the Kellogg Institute and professor of political science and global affairs who holds a joint appointment in the Department of Political Science and the Keough School for Global Affairs, he leads the research on quantitative and qualitative research on design and compliance of reparations at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.



Diane Desierto
Director and Principal Investigator

Professor of Law and Global Affairs, Faculty Director of the LL.M. in International Human Rights Law and Global Director of Notre Dame Law School Global Human Rights Clinic, she leads the research on reparations design and compliance at the International Court of Justice, the World Bank Inspection Panel, and Climate Change Litigation Reparations.



Project Coordinators


Faisal Yamil Meneses
Research Associate and Project Coordinator

Notre Dame, LL.M. alumnus 2023 and current Research Associate at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies. Coordinator of the qualitative and quantitative Inter-American Court of Human Rights's databases. Co-author of the Climate Change Reparations Dataset. He leads the work of the Lab and the students’ participation. Faisal has also engaged with different scholars and institutions in the promotion and enrichment of the Lab and its research outcomes.



Nicolás Buitrago-Rey
Researcher and Project Coordinator

Nicolás has been working as a researcher and co-coordinator of the Projects of Specificity at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Climate Change Reparations. He also participated in creating the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's qualitative database of reparations and supported its quantitative database. He has presented the Reparations Lab Research at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International in conferences, workshops and as a visiting scholar.


Notre Dame Student Affiliates

Graduate Students


Mayra Ortiz Ocaña

Mayra has been working as a research associate for the project to build an Index to measure human rights in partnership with the Commission of Human Rights in the State of Mexico. Additionally, she has presented a co-authored paper with P.I. Pérez Liñán on the impact of the Inter-American System at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and participated remotely at the institute's Incubator of Projects, where the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's qualitative database was presented.



Patrick McQuestion

Patrick joined the Reparations Design and Compliance Lab in 2022. He has produced research on the petitions and admissibilities process within the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. Prior to beginning the PhD program, he worked for the Argentine government between 2016-2019, as well as for the Kroc Institute’s Barometer Initiative monitoring implementation of the 2016 Colombian Peace Accord. His interests include reparations implementation, state capacity and compliance, as well as sustainable rural development.



Géssica de Freitas

Gessica is a PhD student in Political Science, working mostly with Latin American political institutions. She joined the Reparations Design and Compliance Lab in 2024 and has been helping to incorporate climate change decisions in Brazil into the Lab’s climate change reparations database and to perform quantitative analysis of the Lab’s data.



Valentina Salazar Rivera

Notre Dame, LL.M. student and current Research Assistant at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies. She works on updating the qualitative Inter-American Court of Human Rights's database and participated in the elaboration of the database user manual for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.



Maria Camila Salamandra

Maria Camila is a student of the Master of Global Affairs with a concentration in International Peace Studies. She joined the reparations lab in 2024 to collaborate on the Climate Change Reparations Database project.


Undergraduate Students


Lia de Valenzuela

Lia De Valenzuela is an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology and Global Affairs. She is working with Anibal Perez-Liñan as part of the Kellogg International Scholars Program, by managing a database that tracks the reparation and compliance measures ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. She has helped code sentences and supervision from the court website.



Garrett Pacholl

Garrett has supported the Reparations Lab with the Climate Change Reparations Project, conducting Research in the Philippines related to the perceptions of communities of Climate Change Reparations with the support of the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies. 



Gabrielle Penna

Gabrielle Penna is a senior studying French, Anthropology, and Peace Studies. She is interested in International Human Rights Law and Immigration Law. From 2021 to 2023, she worked on the World Bank Inspection Panel project, recording and analyzing the Panel’s responses to Human Rights violations. Currently, she is working on the Environmental Migrants project, collecting data on cases recorded in French.



Rachel DeGaugh

Rachel is an undergraduate research assistant studying Global Affairs, Spanish, and Data Science with research interests in international human rights law–especially disability rights law–migration, and data science. She is currently working on merging the data on the Specificity of reparations and the Compliance data for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.



Elizabeth Gonzalez

Elizabeth Gonzalez is a senior from Crown Point, Indiana, studying political science and global affairs with a minor in Latino Studies. Gonzalez’s primary academic interests include comparative migration studies, the Caribbean diaspora, and international human rights law.



Sonia Gloege

Sonia is an undergraduate research assistant studying economics with minors in data science and history. She is interested in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of economics, data science, and legal studies. She has assisted in constructing the Inter-American Court compliance dataset and working to merge the quantitative compliance and qualitative datasets. Additionally, Sonia is working to research and fill in the information regarding investor-state cases for the Permanent Court of Arbitration dataset.



Shamiran Youhana

Shamiran is an undergraduate studying Philosophy and Arabic, with a minor in the Hesburgh Program. In the future, she is interested in pursuing a career in international human rights law, particularly in the realm of policy-making. Currently, she is working on the Climate Justice Reparations Project.



Andrew Marciano

Andrew Marciano is a senior majoring in economics with a minor in real estate from San Diego, California. Joining the Reparations Lab in 2024, he is interested in using economics relative to international human rights law and immigration law.



Jensen Enterman

Jensen Enterman is a senior from Colorado Springs, Colorado studying Economics and Global Affairs, with a concentration in Civil & Human Rights. She is interested in finding sustainable and equitable policy solutions that address the growing socioeconomic disparities and human rights concerns that have emerged from climate change. Currently, she is working on the Climate Justice Reparations Project.


External Affiliates 


Angélica Suárez Torres
Law Clerk - Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Angélica has supported the Specificity in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Project since she was an LL.M Student at Notre Dame Law School. She also participated in creating the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's qualitative database. Her participation has included presenting the Specificity at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights initial finding at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and participating at the same institute Incubator of Projects where the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's qualitative database was presented.




Paloma Nuñez Fernández
Law Clerk - Supervision Unit of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Paloma has supported the Specificity in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Project since she was an LL.M. student at Notre Dame Law School. Her participation included attending a Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Incubator of Projects, where the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's qualitative database was presented.



Angie Katherine García Atehortúa
Expert in Sexual and gender-based violence - Justice Rapid Response

Angie has supported research on the effectiveness of the supervision hearings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's supervision unit.



Affiliates, Spring 2024 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Graduate students: Patrick McQuestion (Ph.D.)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ryan.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Faisal Yamil Meneses
External affiliates: Angélica Suárez Torres, Paloma Núñez Fernández
Graduate students: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (J.S.D.), Valentina Salazar Muñoz (LL.M.)
Undergraduate students: Lia De Valenzuela, Sonia Gloege, Rachel DeGaugh.

Climate Change Litigation Reparations
Kellogg Research Associate: Faisal Yamil Meneses
Graduate students: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (J.S.D.), Géssica de Freitas (Ph.D.), María Camila Salamandra (MGA)
Undergraduate students: Garrett Pacholl, Jensen Enterman, Shamiran Youhana, Andrew Marciano

Human Rights Commission of the State of Mexico
Graduate student: Mayra Ortiz Ocaña (Ph.D.)

Affiliates, Fall 2023 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Graduate students: Patrick McQuestion (Ph.D.)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ryan.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Faisal Yamil Meneses
External affiliates: Angélica Suárez Torres, Paloma Núñez Fernández, Angie García Atehortua
Graduate students: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (J.S.D.), Valentina Salazar Muñoz (LL.M.)
Undergraduate students: Lia De Valenzuela, Sonia Gloege, Rachel DeGaugh.

Climate Change Litigation Reparations
Kellogg Research Associate: Faisal Yamil Meneses
Graduate student: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (J.S.D.)
Undergraduate students: Garrett Pacholl, Jensen Enterman

Permanent Court of Arbitration
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science

Human Rights Commission of the State of Mexico
Graduate student: Mayra Ortiz Ocaña (Ph.D.)

Affiliates, Summer 2023 (by Project)

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Faisal Yamil Meneses
Graduate student: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (J.S.D.)

Climate Change Litigation Reparations
Kellogg Research Associate: Faisal Yamil Meneses
Graduate student: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (J.S.D.)

Affiliates, Spring 2023 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Nicolás Buitrago Rey
Graduate students: Patrick McQuestion (Ph.D.), Faisal Yamil (LLM), Josemaría Rodríguez (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ryan, Isabel Mahoney.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Nicolás Buitrago Rey
External affiliate: Angélica Suárez Torres
Graduate students: Patrick McQuestion (Ph.D.), Mayra Ortiz Ocaña (Ph.D.)
Undergraduate students: Emily Lugg

Climate Change Litigation Reparations
Kellogg Research Associate: Nicolás Buitrago Rey
Graduate student: Caren Kalafatich (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Katherine Conway, Garrett Pacholl, Jensen Enterman

Permanent Court of Arbitration
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science

International Criminal Court
Graduate students: Ana Clara Rivero (LLM)

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Carlos Martínez Roca (LLM)

Human Rights Commission of the State of Mexico
Graduate student: Mayra Ortiz Ocaña (Ph.D.)

Affiliates, Fall 2022 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Nicolás Buitrago Rey
Graduate students: Patrick McQuestion (Ph.D.)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ryan, Isabel Mahoney.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Kellogg Research Associate: Nicolás Buitrago Rey
External affiliate: Angélica Suárez Torres
Graduate students: Patrick McQuestion (Ph.D.)
Undergraduate students: Emily Lugg

Permanent Court of Arbitration
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science

World Bank Inspection Panel
Undergraduate students: Isabel Mahoney, Gabrielle Penna

Human Rights Commission of the State of Mexico
Graduate student: Mayra Ortiz Ocaña (Ph.D.)

Affiliates, Spring 2022 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
External affiliates: Mariana Brocca (Conicet, Argentina), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (OHCHR)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ackerley, Emma Ryan

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Graduate students: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (LLM) Paloma Nuñez Fernandez (LLM),  Angélica Suárez Torres (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Emily Lugg

Paraguay’s Compliance with Human Rights Reparations
Undergraduate students: Madeline Soiney

Permanent Court of Arbitration
Undergraduate students: Cullen Geahigan

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Anshu Raj Singh (LLM), Olivia Estes (JD)
Undergraduate students: Maura Brennan, Isabel Mahoney, Gabrielle Penna

Data Analysis
Undergraduate students: Tess Monahan

Affiliates, Fall 2021 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
External affiliates: Mariana Brocca (Conicet, Argentina), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (OHCHR)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ackerley, Emma Ryan

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
External affiliates: Angie García Atehortúa
Graduate students: Nicolás Buitrago Rey (LLM), Paloma Núñez Fernández (LLM), Angélica Suárez Torres (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Shea Smith

Paraguay’s Compliance with Human Rights Reparations
External affiliates: Analía Bogado (Desarrollo Institute, Paraguay), José Molinas (Desarrollo Institute, Paraguay)
Undergraduate students: Madeline Soiney

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science
Undergraduate students: Cullen Geahighan

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Anshu Raj Singh (LLM), Olivia Estes (Law)
Undergraduate students: Maura Brennan, Gabrielle Penna

Data Management
Undergraduate students: Tess Monahan

Affiliates, Summer 2021 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
External affiliates: Mariana Brocca (Conicet, Argentina), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (OHCHR)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ackerley

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
External affiliates: Angie García Atehortúa
Undergraduate students: Shea Smith

Paraguay’s Compliance with Human Rights Reparations
Graduate students: Railen Hernández Guatache
Undergraduate students: Madeline Soiney

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science
Undergraduate students: Zachary Holland

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Patrick Giuliani (Law), Amanda Walsh (Law), Tinaishe Maramba (MGA)

Data Management
Undergraduate students: Tess Monahan

Affiliates, Spring 2021 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
External affiliates: Mariana Brocca (Conicet, Argentina), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (OHCHR)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ackerley, Isabelle Grassel, Morgan McLaughlin, Margo Murphy, Sierra Stinson, Matt Carranza, Joseph Rice

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
External affiliates: Angie García Atehortúa
Undergraduate students: Shea Smith

Paraguay’s Compliance with Human Rights Reparations
Graduate students: Railen Hernández Guatache (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Madeline Soiney

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science
Undergraduate students: Zachary Holland, Emily Lugg, Jed Mariano, Emma Ziegler

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Jemimah Kolo (LLM), Rachel Gagnon (MGA), Belen Carriedo (MGA)
Undergraduate students: Maura Brennan

Data Management
Undergraduate students: Tess Monahan

Affiliates, Winter Session 2021 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
External affiliates: Mariana Brocca (Conicet, Argentina), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (OHCHR), Francesca Parente (University of Pennsylvania)
Graduate students: Asha Mendis (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Emma Ackerley, Tess Monahan, Shea Smith

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
External affiliates: Angie García Atehortúa (Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights, SAHR), Ana Olavarrieta Trejo

Paraguay’s Compliance with Human Rights Reparations
Graduate students: Railen Hernández Guatache (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Madeline Soiney

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science
Undergraduate students: Cullen Geahighan, Clare Hillen, Brian Lemay, Emma Ziegler

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Jemimah Kolo (LLM), Rachel Gagnon (MGA), Belen Carriedo (MGA)
Undergraduate students: Maura Brennan, Megan Fahrney

Affiliates, Fall 2020 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
External affiliates: Mariana Brocca (Conicet, Argentina), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (OHCHR), Francesca Parente (University of Pennsylvania)

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
External affiliates: Angie García Atehortúa (Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights, SAHR)

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Faculty affiliates: Emilia Justyna Powell, Political Science
Undergraduate students: Brian Lemay, Clare Hillen, Emma Ziegler

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Rachel Gagnon (MGA), Belen Carriedo (MGA)
Undergraduate students: Maura Brennan

Affiliates, Summer 2020 (by Project)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Graduate students: Mariana Brocca (LLM), Isabel Anayanssi Orizaga Inzunza (LLM)

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Graduate students: Angie García Atehortúa (LLM)
Undergraduate students: Ana Olavarrieta Trejo

World Bank Inspection Panel
Graduate students: Khawla Wakkaf (JSD), Rachel Gagnon (MGA), Belen Carriedo (MGA)