
A Partnership for Research: IHD and The Kellogg Institute

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Integral human development (IHD) is a principle explored in several seminal documents in Catholic social teaching. It embraces the broad complexity of human existence and it is an approach to academic research that has been successively incorporated into multiple disciplines. Yet, its broad capacity can often blur the story of how it may contribute to and enrich academic research and intellectual life.

Join us for this exploration of integral human development at the Kellogg Institute, as revealed by Kellogg faculty, staff, and students. This panel, part of a year-long series intended to develop and sustain a dialogue about IHD within the Keough School for Global Affairs, will take up key questions about the role of IHD in the intellectual life of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, how it may enrich research and intellectual life, its impact on research planning and operations, and the role of community partners in IHD-inspired research.

Featured panelists include Sevda Arslan, Paolo Carozza, Lisa Huang '21, Laura Miller-Graff, Claire Mitchell '21, Paul OcobockJackline Oluoch-Aridi, and Vania Smith-Oka. Moderated by Don Stelluto, Executive Director, Kellogg Institute for International Studies. 

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