
This profile was current as of 2022, when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Moumouni Soumano is assistant professor of administrative and political sciences University of Bamako (Mali) and the Kellogg Institute’s 2021-2022 Hewlett Visiting Fellow for Public Policy. He studies development cooperation in fragile and conflict-affected states, with a focus on linking research and policy reform. He previously served as the senior program manager and executive director of the Centre Malien pour le Dialogue Interpartis et la Démocratie (CMDID) and has a dozen years of practical experience in working to support democratic consolidation and capacity-building for political and civil society actors in West Africa.

While at Kellogg, Soumano will work on a book project entitled the “Preservation of Human Rights and the Roles of the State and the International Community in Mali: Weaknesses, Synergies, and Prospects for Development,” which examines the impact of human rights violations on Mali’s national construction and development, as well as the role of the state and external support organizations in ensuring support for human rights. He uses a qualitative approach to examine human rights violations in northern and central Mali in a comparative dynamic both within and outside the country.

Soumano has held a number of research positions at universities worldwide, most recently at the University of Chicago, where he studied human trafficking in Mali. He has written extensively on development cooperation, youth, female political engagement, democratic consolidation, institutional reforms in African countries, as well as training modules on political dialogue.

Soumano earned a PhD in public law and a master’s degree in economic public law at University of Paris Nord XIII, and a master’s degree in diplomacy and international organization management at the University of Paris Sud XI Faculté Jean Monnet.