
This profile was current as of May 2022, when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Trevor Lwere is a senior from Kampala, Uganda. Lwere is currently working with Professor Jaimie Bleck in the political science department to study the incentives for civil society organizations to flag corruption in Mali. Lwere is also co-authoring an introduction article to a special issue of a journal entitled, “The Future of Youth in the Sahel” to be published in the Canadian Journal of African Studies in 2022. Lwere is also working on a senior thesis that is analyzing Africa’s past attempts at development and some of the available alternatives to development on the continent.

Lwere received a grant from the Glynn Honors program in Spring 2019 to study the evolving relationship between youth and political parties in South Africa. He received another grant from Glynn in Spring 2020 to study how smallholder farmers in East-Africa interact with the global agricultural value chain. Lwere has presented his research at the Midwest Political Science Association Conference, the ACC Meeting of Minds Conference and the Human Development Conference hosted by the Kellogg Institute. He has also participated in the French Study Language Abroad program in France courtesy of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies. He spent Fall 2021 at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London in London, UK.

Lwere is a Hesburgh-Yusko scholar and a member of the Glynn Family Honors Program.

Thesis Title: Which Way Africa? Alternative Development Paths for Africa
Thesis Adviser: Amitava Dutt

Global Affairs
Philosophy, Politics & Economics
Thematic Interests

I am interested in the theory and practice of development, politics and political organization and youth political participation.

Current Research

Current Research: I am currently working with Prof. Jaimie Bleck on a study of the incentives for civil society organizations to report corruption in Mali.

For my thesis, I am doing a critical analysis of Africa's previous attempts at development and the available alternative paths to development today.

Other Accomplishments & Recognitions


Schwarzman Scholar Class of 2023 - the Schwarzman Scholarship is a highly selective, one-year master’s degree program at Tsinghua University in Beijing