World Politics Series

Shadows of the Past: The Democratic Legacies of Authoritarian Parties

Allen Hicken

Allen Hicken
Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan
Research Professor, Center for Political Science, University of Michigan

The literature on party and party system institutionalization focuses on party institutionalization as a function of democratic factors. But more than half of authoritarian regimes from 1950 to 2006 had at least one political party. Hicken, drawing on a paper co-authored with Darin Self of Cornell University, investigates the extent to which the institutional environment under authoritarian rule shapes party competition and institutionalization after a democratic transition.

This lecture is part of a larger series organized by Faculty Fellows Michael Coppedge and Andrew Gould entitled “Perspectives on World Politics.” Since its inception in 2016, this series aims to spotlight the Kellogg Institute’s strength in comparative politics by featuring distinguished scholars who speak on a topic related to each year’s theme.

Speakers / Related People
Allen Hicken

Allen Hicken is Professor of Political Science and Research Professor at the Center for Political Science at the University of Michigan, where he studies political institutions and political economy in developing countries. His work focuses on political parties and party systems in developing democracies and their role in policymaking. He specializes in the study of Southeast Asia and has worked in Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia...
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