After over two decades of successful outreach, the Kellogg Institute is retiring the Traveling Trunks Program. We are grateful for all of the teachers who have utilized these trunks to internationalize their classrooms and to help students learn more about the Global South. We know the collaboration between teachers in our community and our Traveling Trunks Program made a difference in the lives of so many students and we are proud of that work.

Students are "reading" around the world and today was China! They read
Mrs. Frizzle's Adventure: Imperial China! by Joanna Cole and Look What
Came from China! by Miles Harvey. They learned about Chinese sunglasses
from 500 years ago! In this photograph students participating in Twisting
Yangko Dancing, a folk dance from the northern provinces!
K - 12 Resources
Traveling Trunks
Featuring cultural items from all over the world, these trunks are packed with music, books, instruments, maps, culturally specific items and more.