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After over two decades of successful outreach, the Kellogg Institute is retiring the Traveling Trunks Program. We are grateful for all of the teachers who have utilized these trunks to internationalize their classrooms and to help students learn more about the Global South. We know the collaboration between teachers in our community and our Traveling Trunks Program made a difference in the lives of so many students and we are proud of that work.
The curriculum guide is a binder filled with content descriptions, country profiles, lesson plans, teaching resources, and recipes.
Ada, Alma Flor. Under the Royal Palms: A Childhood in Cuba
Ancona, George. Cuban Kids
Belafronte, Harry. Island in the Sun
Delacre, Lulu. Salsa Stories
Joseph, Lynn. The Color of My Words
Menard, Valerie. The Latino Holiday Book
San Souci, Robert D. Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella
Van West, Patricia E. El Hombre de los Cangrejos
Dominican Man
Dominican Woman
"Beach House" (on canvas)
"A Day in the Cornfields" (on canvas)
Flags (3)
"The Market" (on canvas)
Sack of Cacao
Shells (2)
Calypso Season
La Rumba de Cuba
I Am Time, 4 CD-Collection
Under the Mango Tree - Audio Cassette
Rabbit Tales/Los cuentos de Tio Conejo - Audio Cassette
West Indies and Central America, National Geographic Society