
Workshop: Coup Politics and Civil-Military Relations

Workshop: Coup Politics and Civil-Military Relations

Militaries have played a central political role in Venezuela, Brazil, and other Latin American countries in recent years, putting the region’s armed forces back in the spotlight after periods of democratic transition. 

Are we now seeing a return to “coup politics”? What is the role of the military in contemporary democratic regimes? This workshop sponsored by the Kellogg Institute's Research Cluster on Democratization Theory will explore the historical and contemporary relationship between civilians and militaries in Latin America from a comparative perspective.


2:00 - 2:15 pm - Framing Remarks
Presentation of Papers
2:15 - 3:00 pm -  Samuel Valenzuela
3:00 - 3:45 pm - Benjamín García Holgado and Natán Skigin
3:45 - 4:30 pm - Jeremy Graham 
Discussant: Andreas Schedler
To receive papers in advance, please register here.

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