
This profile was current as of 2024, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Sister Edelquine Shivachi is a member of the Little Sisters of St. Francis, and a PhD candidate in in the theology area of World Religions World Christianity (WRWC), specializing in Christianity in Africa, world Christianity, and mission history at the University of Notre Dame. She is also a Kellogg Dissertation Year Fellow for the academic year 2023-2024. She completed her bachelor’s degree in sacred theology at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Kenya before joining the Master of Theological Studies (MTS) program for a master’s degree in History of Christianity and Bible at the University of Notre Dame. Her dissertation focuses on the mission story of Teresa Kearney (1903-1957), an Irish Franciscan nun, and the Little Sisters of St. Francis in East Africa. She investigates how this story embodied the poor first mission, accompaniment, and charity to the peripheries, three elements that she calls, the theological ensembles reverberate clearly in Pope Francis’ theology of a revolution of tenderness and the African women theologies. sister Edelquine understand that Kearney’s mission in schools, hospitals, and catechumenates in East Africa enabled people to develop their social, intellectual, and physical capacities as was never before. Besides theological research, she is a novelist with two novels and a linguist in eight languages.

PhD Year