Political Control Under the Cover of Social Policy
Kelly McMann
Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellow
Lucy Adams Leffingwell Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Laura Gamboa
Assistant Professor of Democracy and Global Affairs, Keough School of Global Affairs
Comparative Politics Workshop
The Comparative Politics Workshop is a graduate student-led forum geared towards presenting and discussing papers and research projects. During the academic semester, regular sessions are held at the Hesburgh Center. These meetings are open to everyone, particularly students, faculty and Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellows. Participants have the chance to present their work and receive valuable, constructive feedback from their colleagues.
More information: Contact Comparative Politics Field Representative Gessica de Freitas
Kelly McMann
Kelly M. McMann is the Lucy Adams Leffingwell Professor and a Professor of Political Science at Case Western Reserve University. She is also the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project Manager for Subnational Government. Her research focuses on democracy, democratization, local politics, corruption, economic reform, and postcommunist politics.
At the Kellogg Institute, McMann will work on her project "Democracy's Advantages...
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