
Herbert Kitschelt is the George V. Allen Professor of International Relations at Duke University’s Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. He specializes in the study of comparative political parties and elections in established and new democracies; comparative public policy and political economy; and 20th century social theory. His work explains the rise of the new radical right parties in Europe and explores the formation of party systems in post-communist democracies. 
Kitschelt’s numerous publications include The Radical Right in Western Europe (with Anthony J. McGann, Michigan University Press, 1995), which received the 1996 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award from the American Political Science Association (APSA). He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Kitschelt’s ongoing projects include a global comparison of citizen-politician linkage mechanisms in democracies, with a focus on explaining the rise and decline of clientelistic politics, and a renewed effort to map and account for the transformation of political party systems in postindustrial democracies.
He earned a PhD from Bielefeld University in Germany.