Undergraduate Student Opportunities


Conduct RESEARCH in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

Gain RESOURCES to prepare you and fund your research

Build RELATIONSHIPS with faculty and peers


Now more than ever, the world needs individuals with the desire, skills, and adaptability to engage in important global issues amid ever changing landscapes. The Kellogg Institute provides Notre Dame undergraduates with exceptional opportunities in international research and global experiential learning, preparing students with the training and skills needed to adapt and engage in meaningful work, whether in the field or in an office, abroad or from home. Learn more about Kellogg opportunities to challenge yourself, advance your academic goals, connect with partners from around the world, and engage in meaningful work on global issues.



Upcoming Meetings & Events - Fall 2024

(More events will be added throughout the semester)  



Keough School of Global Affairs Welcome Weekend 
First year students! Stop by the Kellogg Institute table at the Keough School of Global Affairs’ Welcome Weekend event to learn about the programs we offer to help you dive into international research on topics such as global health, education, women’s empowerment, and more in Africa, Asia, or Latin America.
Saturday, August 24, 1-2:30pm
Jenkins and Nanovic Halls 


Kellogg International Scholars Program Sophomore Orientation
This meeting serves as an introduction and orientation to the Program for all incoming sophomores. We will discuss expectations, requirements, and resources, and sophomores will have a chance to network with each other.
Monday, August 26, 4pm
1030 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls


Kellogg International Scholars Program Meeting
This meeting serves as the first meeting of the academic year for all International Scholars to meet each other and review program expectations. We will learn about new opportunities available to Scholars this year and will take photos for the website. 
Wednesday, August 28, 5:30pm
Auditorium and Courtyard, Hesburgh Center for International Studies
ISP students must register for this event.



Kellogg Developing Researchers Program – Information Meeting
Attend this meeting to learn more about our newest research program and how to apply. Selected students will gain research skills by participating in a variety of workshops, and will be placed in a research assistant pool to work on short term research projects with Kellogg Faculty Fellows.
Thursday, September 5, 6:00pm
C103, Hesburgh Center for International Studies


Kellogg Undergraduate Student Programs Open House 
All undergraduate students! Meet our faculty, staff and students and find out how you can get involved in the programs of the Institute, all while enjoying food and games with our community.  Ask students in our programs about funded international research opportunities and research programs. Pick up Kellogg swag and submit your name for prizes that will be raffled off throughout the event. 
Monday, September 9, 4-6pm
Tent on Hesburgh-Mendoza Quad



Student Dinner with Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellows
The Kellogg Visiting Fellows program invites outstanding scholars from around the world to pursue and share their research on the themes of democracy and human development. Undergraduate students of the Kellogg Institute can join this group of scholars for dinner and informal conversation.
Wednesday, September 11, 6:30pm
Hesburgh Center for International Studies
KI student program participants may register for this event


Kellogg Developing Researchers Meeting – Returning Students
Returning Kellogg Developing Researchers will gather to start off the new academic year with a conversation about expectations as well as the opportunities and resources available to them.
Wednesday, September 11, 6:30pm
Hesburgh Center for International Studies
Register for this event.


Kellogg International Scholars Meeting
Monday, September 23, 6:30pm

C103, Hesburgh Center for International Studies
All ISP students must register for this event.


Kellogg Developing Researchers Program Orientation
Newly accepted students of the Program will come together to meet each other and learn about the opportunities available to them.
Monday, September 30, 6:30pm
C103, Hesburgh Center for International Studies



Keep Me Updated on Kellogg Undergraduate Opportunities