94th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association (SEA); Washington, D.C.
Kellogg Institute Conference Travel Grants
Conference: 94th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association (SEA) Washington, D.C., November 23 – 25, 2024
Presentation: “Impacts of Changes in Expected Fertility on Female Worker Wages”
I attended the SEA 94th Annual Meeting from November 23 to November 25 in Washington, DC. During the conference, I presented my job market paper titled “Impacts of Expected Fertility on Women’s Wages” in a panel session focused on gender inequality issues across the world. The session brought together researchers with similar interests to exchange ideas and provide constructive feedback. My paper explores how policies designed to protect women’s job positions after childbirth can unintentionally widen the gender wage gap by intensifying hiring discrimination against women.
One of the most valuable outcomes of this conference was the feedback I received regarding maternity leave policies in India and their negative effects on women’s employment opportunities. This example aligns perfectly with my theory and will serve as an additional case to support my argument. While my research originated from the relaxation of the One-Child Policy in China, the theory I developed has broader applicability beyond China’s context. Incorporating this additional example into my paper significantly strengthens its argument and structure.
I am incredibly grateful that the SEA Annual Meeting was my first opportunity to present at a conference. It is a large gathering with participants from diverse fields, yet it organizes smaller, topic-specific panels that foster focused discussions. The broad scope of the conference allowed me to meet wonderful people, including job market candidates from other schools and fields beyond my own. These discussions broadened my perspective and inspired ideas for future research. Meanwhile, the smaller panels created an efficient and supportive environment for dialogue. I received positive feedback from my audience and built connections that could lead to future collaboration.
Overall, the experience was both rewarding and enjoyable. It gave me a clearer sense of how my project resonates with others and provided specific targets to work toward in the coming months. None of this would have been possible without the support of the Kellogg Institute. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and will strive to incorporate what I’ve gained from this experience into my research journey to ensure that your support is well-justified.