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The Commons is flexible space in the Hesburgh Center for our Kellogg community to study and gather in an informal setting. Open M-F, 8am to midnight. To reserve meeting rooms or for more info: 574.631.3434.
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Diego Cubillo is a first-year from South Bend Indiana studying Global Affairs and Spanish. Cubillo is passionate about studying human rights, immigration, and peacebuilding in Latin America. By being a part of the Kellogg Developing Researchers program, Cubillo explores how peacebuilding can be used to tackle issues of democracy, violence, and human rights abuses that heavily affect Latin American countries. Mixing these passions with his interests in Spanish literature and culture, he hopes to make a positive impact with his research goals. Cubillo is also eager to cultivate his research skills and learn from all the amazing faculty and staff.
KDR Project Advisor:
Gabriela Marzonetto