Katherine Jennings ’23 is a biochemistry and global affairs major with a concentration in international development studies. Her virtual internship is with Savana Signatures in Ghana, which works to improve the livelihood of vulnerable populations by improving maternal and reproductive healthcare. Her internship focuses on researching what influences the health choices that young mothers make for themselves and their children postpartum. The purpose of this is to help improve the postpartum health of these women and their children.
Jennings’s international interests are in improving global health, which ties together her international development studies concentration in the Kellogg Institute at Notre Dame and her passion for science and medicine. This is also seen in her work on campus, helping in a lab to develop a low-cost yeast biosensor for detecting phosphorus in water to improve the health quality of water as well as in her involvement in the GlobeMed club at Notre Dame. Jennings also has a passion for maternal and reproductive health within the field of global health which has led her to focus her Kellogg virtual internship on maternal health in Ghana.