Former Visiting Fellow Mercedes Prieto is the compiler of the recently published volume El Programa Indigenista Andino, 1951-1973: Las mujeres en los ensambles estatales del desarollo (FLACSO Ecuador, 2017).
A “brilliant, impeccably sustained analysis,” the book explores the ways in which the Andean Indigenist Program helped to suggest the external thinking and development practices that permeated the Andean states in their formative years, with a special focus on women’s roles.
The book was finalized during Prieto’s Kellogg Institute visiting fellowship, and portions of the work appeared first as Kellogg Working Paper # 423, “The Andean Indigenist Program, 1951–1975: Integration, Development, State Formation, and Women” (2017).
Prieto, Mercedes, El Programa Indigenista Andino, 1951-1973: Las mujeres en los ensambles estatales del desarrollo (FLACSO Ecuador, 2017)