On Friday, June 12…

This week provided me the context I need for the draft guideline I will be writing during the next few weeks. Last week, Phong sent me reading material that was very comprehensive (four sources, each about 150-250 pages). Therefore, I have skimmed over the reading materials and created a brief outline of what I think is important and relevant to our project. To keep the document brief, I did not highlight all the sections present in the reading material but I did focus on the main sections.

Next Monday (Sunday night for me), I will be meeting with Phong to discuss my outline. In the meantime, I will be collecting some peer-to-peer mental health support guidelines for organizations around the world. Phong thinks these guidelines will be helpful additions to the material he has already sent over.

Also, through Kaya Travel and ABROADER, I have been paired with two Vietnamese local buddies. We have connected via WhatsApp. Through them, I am excited to learn more about Vietnamese culture (and hopefully, they can learn about American culture through me).