Raul Madrid

During 2019, former Kellogg Visiting Fellow Raúl Madrid (fall 2019) published articles in Comparative Political StudiesComparative PoliticsDemocratization, and The Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, along with an edited volume (co-edited with former Visiting Fellow Kurt Weyland and published by Cambridge University Press) entitled When Democracy Trumps Populism: European and Latin American Lessons for the United States.

These publications include:

When Democracy Trumps Populism: European and Latin American Lessons for the United States. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019, xxvi + 216 pp. (Co-edited with Kurt Weyland).

“The Perils of Personalism.” Democratization. Forthcoming. Published online in November 2019. (Co-authored with Matthew Rhodes-Purdy).

“The Partisan Path to Democracy: Argentina in Comparative Perspective.” Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 52, No. 10, 2019: 1535-1569.

“Ethnicity, Institutions, and Female Representation.” Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy. Vol. 40, No. 3, 2019: 345-366. (Co-authored with Regina Goodnow and Robert Moser.)

“Opposition Parties and the Origins of Democracy in Latin America.” Comparative Politics. Vol. 51, No. 2. January 2019: 1-19.