About the Episode:

Interviewed by Kellogg PhD Fellow Bill Kakenmaster, political scientists Christina Wolbrecht and Dave Campbell discuss democracy and the political landscape of the United States. The 2024 US presidential election is a crucial moment for democracy, with growing trends of election denialism and the potential for undermining democratic norms. The conversation highlights the significance of inclusivity in politics, with a focus on the impact of women in leadership roles on adolescents' attitudes towards democracy. Speakers discuss the ongoing debate on who belongs and whose voice gets heard, as well as the importance of adapting to changing demographics. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the normalization of political leadership roles and their impact on shaping attitudes towards democracy.

Show Notes:

Welcome to Global Stage, a podcast highlighting academic and policy-oriented international research on democracy and human development. Global Stage is brought to you by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. Your host today is Kellogg PhD Fellow Bill Kakenmaster. His guests are Dave Campbell, the Packey J. Dee Professor of American Democracy and Director of the Notre Dame Democracy Initiative, and Christina Wolbrecht, professor of political science and director of the Notre Dame Washington Program.

To begin, Dave emphasizes the unparalleled global significance of the 2024 US presidential election. Christina agrees on the critical nature of the 2024 election, focusing on the question of who counts as an American and whose voices are heard. She highlights the ongoing debate about legitimate participation in the political community. She explains that racial resentment from the right and liberal ideologies from the left has led to a struggle over maximizing or restricting voter participation.

Dave and Christina underscore the importance of distinguishing between regular political disagreements and fundamental threats to democracy. The 2024 election raises fundamental questions about the rule of law and the acceptance of election outcomes. Christina stresses the importance of recognizing the significant support Trump receives within his party, which enables his continued influence despite his controversial actions. Dave highlights the significant shift in political norms, highlighting how young people are growing up in an era where questioning democratic processes has become normalized. If doubts about the legitimacy of election outcomes persist, the US may no longer be considered a true democracy.

Dave predicts a close election in 2024 and acknowledges that election denialism could happen among both parties. If election results are doubted, it sets a dangerous precedent, undermining faith in the entire electoral system. Dave and Christina encourage participation in the democratic process beyond just voting to gain confidence in the system. This may include getting involved in local elections or volunteering with election boards to gain firsthand experience and confidence in the electoral system. Finally, Christina and Dave share about their upcoming book, See Jane Run: How Women Politicians Matter for Young People, which is set to be published in 2025. 

Learn more about Christina Wolbrecht.
Learn more about Dave Campbell.
Learn more about the Global Democracy Conference, including videos.



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