Former Kellogg Visiting Fellow Luis PásaraThe pandemic lock-down period proved a productive time for former Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellow Luis Pásara (fall ’85 and ’00), who had two books published in 2021.

La “nueva izquierda” peruana en su década perdida. De la ilusión a la agonía revisits the path of the “new left” in Peru from the 1960s to the present. Católicos, radicales y militantes. Cincuenta años de conflictos en la Iglesia peruana (Estación La Cultura SAC, 2021) is an in-depth study of the radical wing in the Peruvian Catholic Church and the internal conflicts the institution lived during the last 50 years.

Retired in 2011 from his position in the Universidad de Salamanca, Pásara is a senior fellow with the Due Process of Law Foundation.