
Integral Human Development in Practice: A Roundtable Discussion with David Hollenbach, SJ (VIRTUAL)

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Rev. David Hollenbach, SJ, Pedro Arrupe Distinguished Research Professor, Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Distinguished Research Affiliate, Kellogg Institute
Clemens Sedmak, Professor of Social Ethics, Keough School; Interim Director, Nanovic Institute; PI, Kellogg Institute IHD Research Lab
Rev. Emmanuel Katongole, Professor of Theology and Peace Studies 

How can we advance translatable research on Integral Human Development (IHD)? Does IHD imply a commitment to certain normative principles? What is the meaning of “integral” or “integration?" And, what does it mean to apply the concept of IHD “on the ground?” These, among other questions, will be considered in this roundtable discussion. Following framing remarks from Hollenbach, Katongole, and Sedmak, there will be a moderated round-table discussion with participants.

Sponsored by the Kellogg Institute Integral Human Development Research Lab. For more information, contact Clemens Sedmak.

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