Around the World in 80 Minutes 

Reception and Visual Display
5:00PM Friday, February 21st, 2020

All are welcome


Around the World in 80 Minutes is a reception-style event that will follow the keynote speech on Friday, February 21st. The visual display elements of the event will be exhibited throughout the entirety of the conference. This event will provide an opportunity to learn about and engage with material related to migrant and refugee “crises” around the world. A variety of situations ranging in size, root causes, and length will be addressed in the event. Attendees can expect to engage with visual media, art, testimonies, objects, and statistics related to the situations in Venezuela, Burkina Faso, Syria, the Northern Triangle, and South Sudan, among others. By learning about migrants and refugees “around the world,” attendees will engage with overarching themes related to the movement of people around the world as well as details related to specific contexts. 



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