
This profile was current as of May 2024, when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Fabrice Uwihirwe is a senior from Rwanda studying economics and global affairs. He is working with Professor Abby Córdova on examining interventions aimed at reducing Violence Against Women (VAW) and changing attitudes/perceptions around VAW. Uwihirwe is assisting Professor Córdova in identifying research on effective interventions as she is preparing to launch a survey on VAW in sometime in the fall semester. Both have shared interest in studying the consequences of inequality and the marginalization of groups, as well finding ways to combat these injustices.

Uwihirwe travelled back to Rwanda this past summer on a Kellogg/Kroc Undergraduate Research Grant to conduct research on the role parents and teachers play in the retention of students. Education is one of the most important drivers of upward mobility, and Uwihirwe’s project examined effective strategies in keeping students in school so they can reap the long-term benefits of an education. He plans to present his research at the Human Development Conference in the Spring Semester in 2024 as well as write his capstone on his findings. Uwihirwe is also part of the Center for Social Concerns Home Team, which is dedicated to supporting research and advocacy efforts around the world’s most pressing social issues.

Capstone Adviser: Steve Reifenberg


Global Affairs