Working Groups

Catholic Social Tradition and Human Development Working Group Meeting


Breakfast Meeting with Kellogg Visiting Fellow Séverine Deneulin and Keough Masters of Global Affairs students to discuss a draft paper Séverine has written on integral human development.

To attend, please RSVP to Megan Gooley @

About the Catholic Social Tradition and Human Development Working Group
In collaboration with the Center for Social Concerns, this Working Group provides a forum for resident faculty, graduate students, and outside scholars to systematically discuss the insights of Catholic Social Tradition (CST) for questions of development. With “integral human development” as a defining commitment of Notre Dame’s Keough School, a discussion of the roots of this term in Catholic Social Teaching is timely, as well as an exploration of the connections between the concept of integral human development and key CST principles such as human dignity, common-good orientation, option for the poor, solidarity, and subsidiarity.
Cochairs: Paolo Carozza and Clemens Sedmak
Graduate Student Contact: Megan Gooley (