
This profile was current as of May 2024, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Audrey Feldman has a research interest in human capital development. She is working with Professor TJ D’Agostino, director of the International Education Research Initiative, to research best practices in improving educational outcomes. Feldman is working on a collaboration between Notre Dame and USAID on implementation research for early grade literacy interventions in international developing contexts. This work will inform both policymakers and practitioners on how the efficacy of these interventions can be increased and adjusted to unique student-, classroom-, and school-level characteristics. She also supports work on a collaboration between Notre Dame and the Boys and Girls Club of St. Joseph County to reduce gun violence by providing early support to at-risk children.

Feldman is involved on campus in a variety of volunteer programs such as tutoring at the St. Joseph juvenile detention center and mentoring under-resourced students through TutorND. She spent summer 2021 at a refugee resettlement organization, summer 2022 at the Lab for Economic Opportunities (LEO), and summer 2023 at the American Enterprise Institute. She has also attended the American Economic Association annual conference through the Kellogg program.

Global Affairs
Philosophy, Politics & Economics