Post-Pandemic Chile's Foreign Policy: Internal Factors that Determine a New International Strategy (HYBRID)
A Kellogg Work-in-Progress Seminar with Kellogg Institute Chilean Fulbright Chair Fernando Alvarado, Researcher in the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, Pontificia Universidad Cátolica de Valparaíso, Chile
This project focuses on analyzing the internal factors that influence the foreign policy approach of a country like Chile and determine the international insertion strategy. In this context, my research looks at how the 2019 social crisis and pandemic “new normality” could generate internal political and economic reforms that might modify the foreign policy strategy of the last 30 years.
Fernando Alvarado
This profile was current as of 2021, when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.
Fernando Alvarado is a researcher and member of the Social Studies and Development Program, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso...
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