Travel to Scholarly Conference

The Institute offers Kellogg faculty fellows funding to travel to a scholarly conference or workshop for which other Notre Dame funding is not available or sufficient.

The Kellogg Institute promotes research excellence and aims to set the research agenda on issues critical to its core research themes of democracy and human development.  The Institute supports the dissemination of its faculty fellows’ research by offering partial support for research-related travel to scholarly conferences or workshops.

Please use the tabs below to find information on Kellogg grants for research-related travel to scholarly conferences or workshops.


The Institute does not consider retroactive requests for travel funding.  

The complete application form will require:

  • A description of the conference/workshop and the work to be presented that clearly identifies:
    - the international focus or dimension
    - its background and significance within the applicant’s field
    - its relation to the thematic priorities of the Kellogg Institute
  • Indication of what the applicant’s participation will be (e.g., keynote address, paper presentation, roundtable participation)
  • A copy of the invitation (if presenting a keynote or invited lecture) or acceptance
  • An explanation of how the applicant’s participation in the conference will contribute to their scholarship
  • Detailed budgetary needs
  • A list of other sources from which the applicant is or will be requesting funding



Allowable Expenses

TRAVEL EXPENSES - Includes airfare, ground transportation, lodging, and per diem.  

CONFERENCE FEES - Includes registration fees.

Funding Amount

With at least one month prior notice, the Kellogg Leadership Team may consider grants of up to $5,000 to support faculty fellow research-related travel to scholarly conferences or workshops for which other Notre Dame funding is not available or sufficient. Priority consideration will be given to those who have not already applied within an academic year.

Please note that the Kellogg Institute will reimburse for meals and incidental travel expenses in accordance with these per diem allowances:


  • Duration for the conference - UP TO 100% GSA per diem


  • 1-14 days - UP TO 75% of US State Dept per diem
  • 15+ days - UP TO 50% of US State Dept per diem

In all cases, final determination of the amount awarded is at the discretion of the Leadership Team and will depend on their assessment of the specified needs in the proposal, budget, and justification.

Applicants must notify the Kellogg Institute of any funding received from another source; the Institute may adjust the award accordingly. No duplicate funding (that is, funding for the same purpose) is allowed.

An interdisciplinary committee of Kellogg faculty fellows reviews grant proposals for research-related travel to scholarly conferences or workshops. Accordingly, applicants should make sure that the significance of the conference or workshop to the their field of study is clear to someone outside the applicant’s discipline.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relation to Kellogg core research theme(s) of democracy and/or human development
  • Significance of the conference/workshop in applicant’s field
  • Importance of the conference/workshop to applicant’s scholarship
  • Overall quality of the proposal including professional presentation (e.g., spelling, grammar, and accurate budgeting)
  • Budgetary appropriateness (i.e., the requested expenses are justified as necessary for conference attendance)

Kellogg faculty fellows are eligible for grants to support research-related travel to scholarly conferences or workshops for which other Notre Dame funding is not available or sufficient.  Proposals must be within the field of international studies and should relate to at least one of Kellogg’s core research themes of democracy and human development. The Institute will prioritize conference participation for fellows giving papers on research related to one or both of these themes.