Sarah Swier is a sophomore from Avon, South Dakota studying political science with a minor in education, schooling, and society (ESS). She is a the research assistant to Professor TJ D'agostino, an assistant professor in the Keough School of Global Affairs whose research interests include international education policy, school effectiveness, and early grade literacy policy and programs. Swier will analyze literature and attend meetings concerning the Graduating from Learning Poverty Initiative, which focuses on sustainable education practices in Kenya, Uganda, and Senegal. Swier has participated in the Kellogg Institute's Pre-Experiencing the World Fellowship and was a member of the 2024 cohort in Zambia. While in Zambia, Swier served as a high school educator in Livingstone while learning about the education policies and programs of the African nation. She also serves as the Director of Membership for South Dakota College Connections (SDCC), a nonprofit that aids in providing SD high school students with access to college application resources.