Romero Days 2023: A Church and University in Service of Human Rights

Thursday, March 23
1:00 | Welcome (in English)
Jenkins Nanovic Halls, Room 1050
Todd Walatka, Associate Teaching Professor, Theology; Kellogg Faculty Fellow
1:00 - 2:15 pm | The Salvadoran Church and the Struggle for Human Rights (in English)
Jenkins Nanovic Halls, Room 1050
Presenter: David Lantigua, Associate Professor of Moral Theology/Christian Ethics; Kellogg Faculty Fellow
2:30 - 3:45 pm | Ignacio Ellacuria’s Vision of a University in Service of Human Rights (in English)
Jenkins Nanovic Halls, Room 1050
Presenter and Discussion Moderator: Matthew Ashley, Associate Professor, Systematic Theology
4:30 pm | Keynote: La actualidad de un santo contemporáneo (in Spanish, with English transcription)
Hesburgh Center, Auditorium
Keynote Speaker: Fr. José M. Tojeira, SJ
Faculty, Central American University, El Salvador
Former President, Central American University, El Salvador
Former Director, Human Rights Institute, Central American University, El Salvador
Former Provincial, Central American Province, Society of Jesus
Moderator: Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Director, Kellogg Institute; Professor of Political Science
Friday, March 24
12:30 pm | Mass (in Spanish)
Malloy Hall Chapel

Rev. José María Tojeira, SJ
Tireless advocate for human rights and for the voice of the poor, Rev. José María Tojeira Pelayo, SJ, is a Jesuit priest and professor at Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA, Central American University) in El Salvador. Born in Spain, Fr...Todd Walatka
Todd Walatka is a teaching professor and the assistant chair for graduate studies in the Department of Theology, where he specializes in contemporary Catholic systematic theology...
David M. Lantigua
David Lantigua is Associate Professor of Moral Theology and Christian Ethics. He specializes in late scholastic moral and political thought and its place within the broader Catholic social tradition...