Our welcoming intellectual community helps foster relationships among faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, and visitors that promote scholarly conversation, further research ideas and insights, and build connections that are often sustained beyond Notre Dame.
The Commons is flexible space in the Hesburgh Center for our Kellogg community to study and gather in an informal setting. Open M-F, 8am to midnight. To reserve meeting rooms or for more info: 574.631.3434.
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Rebeca Pierce Kondratowitch is a First-Year at Notre Dame, majoring in Chemistry and French, on a Pre-Pharmacy Track. Through the International Scholars Program, Rebeca hopes to develop her research skills to be able to work in a laboratory setting. Rebeca is interested in doing pharmaceutical research in drug development and drug testing, with a concentration in cancer research. She is currently working on her Pharmacy-Technician Certification and is hoping to potentially one day do a PharmD and PhD dual program. At Notre Dame, Rebeca is also a part of the Building Bridges Program.