
Cesar Sosa-Padilla is an international macroeconomist with research interests in the fields of international finance, macroeconomics and fiscal policy. Most of his recent research has focused on understanding sovereign default crises. Prior to coming to Notre Dame, Cesar was an Assistant Professor of Economics at McMaster University (Canada). At Notre Dame he teaches macroeconomics at the undergraduate level and international economics at the graduate level. He is also an associated researcher with the ADEMU Project. He has been a Kellogg Institute faculty fellow since 2017.

Thematic Interests

International economics and finance, macroeconomics, fiscal policy, credit risk, computational economics

Current Research

Understanding sovereign default crises, in particular their costs for the real economy and the financial sector. I am also interested in the design of public policy aimed at minimizing the disruptive effects of sovereign defaults.

Other Accomplishments & Recognitions
  • Faculty Research Fellow, NBER (2020- )
  • Rev. Thomas J. McDonagh, CSC Collegiate Chair (2018–21)
  • Kenen Fellow, Princeton University (2019–20)
  • Luksic Family Collaboration Grant (2017-18): "The Notre Dame-PUC Luksburg Conference on Recent Advances in Macroeconomics"
  • John Charles Polanyi Prize (Economic Sciences), 2016