
Maria Fernanda Del Rosario Villalaz is a junior double-majoring in Business Analytics and Global Affairs from Panama City, Panama. Growing up in Latin America, she became particularly interested in the intersection of development and education policies, specifically within the context of her region's politics. Her involvement as a volunteer in a Panamanian center for teenage mothers inspired her to advocate for education and equality for women. This passion evolved during her time in college, where she became intrigued by the gender data gap and its implications. Mixing both of her passions, she aims to use her college degrees to explore the potential of technology as a positive catalyst for societal progress in all these areas. By being part of the Kellogg Developing Researchers Program, Del Rosario aspires to learn from the program's invaluable training in order to emerge as a professional equipped to tackle the complexities of Latin American politics, development, and gender disparities through research-driven solutions.

KDR Leader

Business Analytics
Global Affairs