
Abroad: England, Spring 2025

Keelyn (Kiki) Shim is a junior studying economics and global affairs interested in the intersection between gender, family planning, and economic outcomes. She is working under Professor Eva Dziadula, a professor of economics who focuses on the impacts migration and immigration have on marital outcomes, family planning, and citizenship acquisition. Shim previously helped with Professor Dziadula’s project on the relationship between hate crimes and an Indian online matrimonial platform’s traffic patterns, and she plans to assist Professor Dziadula with various projects on topics including immigrant utilization of state family planning policies and the effect of transnational marriage on trade outcomes. This past summer, Shim interned with the Department of Transportation in Washington, DC. She researched the impacts of proposed construction projects on endangered species in the area. In the summer of 2023, she participated in the Center for Social Concerns’ NDBridge program and interned at a Hopeprint, nonprofit in Syracuse, NY. There she assisted refugees and researched the impact of large conglomerates on local small businesses. On campus, she is also involved in the Jubilee Initiative for Financial Inclusion and the Building Bridges program.

Global Affairs