
Martha Byrne is a senior Economics major, and a member of the Glynn Family Honors program. She is minoring in Data Science, Constitutional Studies, and French. In her free time, she enjoys spending time outdoors and visiting national parks. Her love for the environment comes in part from her experience working as a naturalist at her county’s nature preserve and museum. Her research interests include the use of economic policy to address social, political, and quality of life issues abroad and at home, and in the relationships between economics and strong local communities and families. She is particularly interested in the intersection of environmental issues and economics. Martha has experience working in R, Stata, Python, Excel, and Powerpoint, and is Bloomberg Terminal Certified. She has done research on various issues in developing countries surrounding trade, ecotourism, and microfinancing. She has also researched United States monetary and fiscal policy, and issues in the European Union, particularly surrounding energy policy. Martha is coauthor of a paper published in The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Journal of Future Economists on “Leading Factors of Gender Inequality.” This past summer, she worked as a research assistant doing work examining domestic local political campaigns. She also spent five weeks taking language classes in France through a CSLC SLA grant. Martha is currently secretary of Notre Dame’s Fed and Fiscal Challenge Teams, where she helped the Fed Team become national semifinalists and the top team in the Chicago region, and helped the Fiscal Challenge team place first nationally at the Washington, DC competition.

KDR Leader

Constitutional Studies
Data Science