Romero Work-in-Progress

Romero and Catholic Social Teaching: Romero and the Common Good (VIRTUAL)

This session is part of the Romero and Catholic Social Teaching Work-in-Progress Series, sponsored by Latin American/North American Church Concerns (LANACC) and designed to offer in-depth feedback to chapter authors of an upcoming book on Saint Óscar Romero. Participation is limited to a small number of faculty and graduate students, with prior preparation required. Please click here to read guidelines for participants. To be considered for participation, please register. Contact Todd Walatka at with any questions you might have.

Stephen Pope
Professor of Theology
Boston College

Nichole Flores
Assistant Professor of Practical Ethics
University of Virginia

Participation is limited to a small number of faculty and graduate students. Please register to be considered for participation. Preparation materials will be sent to confirmed participants prior to the session.