
Catholic Social Thought and Business: A Primer


This intensive summer seminar for PhD students and faculty in business will consider, through a close reading and discussion of various Catholic encyclicals, how business can contribute to integral human development. Building on a foundation of the key concepts in Catholic Social Thought (CST), the workshop will explore their relevance to the various disciplines in business, such as finance, accountancy, management, and marketing.

Cosponsored with the Mendoza College of Business; the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought at the University of St. Thomas (MN); the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of America; the Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago; and the Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome.

Preliminary Schedule

Monday,  June 3
9:00am - 9:45am Session 1: Introduction to Catholic Social Thought and Business, Martijn Cremers
9:45am - 11:20am Session 2: Theology of CST and Business, Mary Hirschfeld
11:30am - 12:10pm Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart
12:10pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 2:45pm Session 3: Businesss and the Technocratic Paradigm, Mary Hirschfeld
3:15pm - 4:30 pm Session 4: The Working Person in Business (selections from Laborem Exercens), Andreas Widmer

Tuesday, June 4
9:00am - 10:15am Session 5: Social Justice, Msgr. Martin Schlag
10:30am - 11:45am Session 6: Discussion of Excerpts of Encyclicals, Andres Widmer
12:00pm - 2:00pm Mass and Lunch
2:00pm - 3:15pm Session 7: Financial Markets and Corporations, Martijn Cremers
3:30pm - 5:00pm Session 8: Management and CST, Lloyd Sandelands

Wednesday, June 6
9:00am - 10:15am Session 9: Property Rights in CST, Msgr. Martin Schlag
10:30am - 11:45am Session 10: Discussion of the Potential Role of CST in Our Work, Lloyd Sandelands
12:00pm Optional Mass and lunch

Speakers / Related People