The Second Symposium of the Southern Cone Studies Section of L.A.S.A. Montevideo, Uruguay, Universidad de la República
Conference Travel Grants
Olivera-Williams is one of the major organizers of the symposium and is asked to open the event addressing its topics, “Modernities, (In)Dependencies, (Neo)Colonialisms.” Furthermore, Olivera-Williams has been invited to read a special paper entitled “Maldito cuerpo de mujer: la violencia de género y sexual en la memoria cultural de las dictaduras militares en Argentina y Chile” [“Woman’s Damned Body: Gender and Sexual Violence in the Cultural Memory of the Military Dictatorships in Argentina and Chile”] at the panel presenting the volume Poner el cuerpo: rescatar y visibilizar las marcas sexuales y de género de los archivos dictatoriales del Cono Sur [ Showing the Body: Rescuing and Making Visible the Sexual and Gender Marks of the Southern Cone Dictatorships’ Archives ], co-organized by Professors Ana Forcinito, University of Minnesota, and Bernardita Llanos, Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Olivera-Williams also organized the Uruguayan poetry panel, which will count with the participation of major poets from two different generations, those who started to publish in the 80s, Luis Bravo and Silvia Guerra, and those who began to publish in the 2000s, Virginia Lucas and Javier Etchevarren.