
This profile was current as of 2021, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Sarah Neitz is a third year PhD student in Sociology and a Kellogg Fellow at the University of Notre Dame. She holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Toronto and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Scranton. Her scholarship is supported by the Lilly Graduate Fellows Program. 

Sarah’s interests lie at the intersection of political sociology and sociology of culture. Her research explores how the arts contribute to political change during revolutions and peacebuilding, with a regional focus in Latin America. Her master's thesis theorized how an artist's social location may affect pathways to mobilization through their art works. Before beginning graduate studies, Sarah was a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corp in New Mexico and Detroit. As a Jesuit Volunteer, she worked with Spanish-speaking immigrants, people experiencing homelessness, and college students. These experiences inspire her research ethic and passion for experience-based higher education.

Thematic Interests

Areas of Study: Sociology of Culture, Social Movements, Political Sociology, Peace and Conflict