This profile was current as of 2013 when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.
Philippe LeMay-Boucher (PhD, University of Namur), lecturer in economics at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, joins the Kellogg community for the fall 2013 semester. A specialist in applied development economics and African economies, he seeks with his current research to improve malaria prevention methods, viewing malaria as a medical, economic, and moral challenge to the international development community.
Specifically, LeMay-Boucher is using his time at the Institute to analyze the results of a 2012 randomized controlled trial on the impact of information and marketing treatments on the demand for insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). The field experiment, funded by the Nuffield Foundation and carried out in Thiès, Senegal's third largest city, assessed the impact of both information campaigns and different selling strategies on the uptake of subsidized ITNs.
He plans to disseminate his findings not only through academic papers but through a report to his local NGO collaborator, GRAIM, and the ILO. Previously, he has authored articles in journals such as the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of African Economics.
A native of Canada, LeMay-Boucher is a founding member and codirector of Minangan, an NGO offering microcredit to clients in Benin.