
This profile was current as of 2016, when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

I am currently writing a capstone with Professor Paul Ocobock on post-colonialism. I argue that to accurately understand contemporary political and economic issues, decentering European dominance is a necessary yet challenging solution. To avoid such ethnocentric distortion, the intricacies of the societies themselves, rather than European colonialism, ought to be the focal point of postcolonial studies. I will be using case studies from Southern Africa and Latin American.

Through Kellogg’s summer internship grant, I worked for the public education sector in Namibia in the summer of 2014. In the fall of 2014, I received Career Center funding to work in Washington D.C. for a NGO on American-East Asian policy issues. Also through the Career Center, I worked for a social entrepreneurship on economic development in Bucerias, Mexico this past summer.

Political Science