On Friday, July 17…
This week has been interesting, to say the least, but a lot of good has come out of it! Monday was one of our normal classes. This week we are working with adjectives and still working on the grammar from last week. I spent Monday mainly working on the vocabulary. There is a "write" section on Quizlet that has been really helpful in teaching my students how to write and spell the English words. On a side note, I am also learning so much French. I can understand and spell out French vocabulary without thinking now!
On Wednesday, we had to cancel class because one of the other teachers had to switch their class. However, from this, I was able to understand a lot more about how my foundation is helping migrants. It has been my goal to understand their situations and understand the impact that I am making and this has helped me do that. I was able to listen in and join some of my students' other classes about finance and work ethic. I have learned that my foundation chooses students who haven't had the opportunity to go to school. Most of the students are also young girls who come from across Africa and largely Islamic countries where they haven't had the opportunity to learn. My supervisor gave me an understanding of the stories of some of my students, and I am so happy that I am able to be a part of their education as their English teacher. On Wednesday, I was able to step into their shoes and see how this foundation has helped them.
I wish I had learned more about my students earlier on in the internship, but I am happy I finally understand my part in their lives. On Thursday we did a "test" together so that I could see their improvement. I used all of the materials that we have been working on to see if they still remembered everything – and they did. I was so happy! I have started to connect with some students and my local buddy through social media so that when this internship is over I can still see their improvement and I am excited about that.