Former Kellogg Visiting Fellow Matthew Singer has been award the 2019 Seligson Prize for his article “Delegating Away Democracy: How Good Representation and Policy Success Can Undermine Democratic Legitimacy,” which was published last in year in the journal Comparative Political Studies.
The Seligson Prize is awarded annually by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) at Vanderbilt University to the best scholarship (paper, book, dissertation, or other scholarly work) using LAPOP’s AmericasBarometer data that was published or finalized in the prior two calendar years. The prize is named in honor of Mitchell Seligson, the founder of LAPOP and a pioneer in the study of public opinion in Latin America.
The 2019 award committee was comprised of former Kellogg Visiting Fellow Samuel Handlin of Swarthmore College (chair), who won the prize in 2018; Kellogg Faculty Fellow Luis Schiumerini (global affairs); and Rosario Queirolo of Universidad Católica del Uruguay.