Former Kellogg Pre-Experiencing the World leader Lizzie Stifel '24 authored the article “Zambia’s Thirst for Solutions in the Face of Drought” for the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka, where she is a Princeton in Asia Fellow. The article is based partially on her time in Zambia with the Kellogg Institute through the Pre-ETW program.

The article approaches the problem of drought in Zambia and how there must be integrated drought management systems put in place as an anticipatory action. Preparing ahead of time will allow households to anticipate the disaster, rather than react, lessening its effects.

During Stifel’s time with Kellogg, she was also involved with the Kellogg Developing Researchers program, which equips undergraduate students at the University of Notre Dame with skills and real world experience in academic research. 

Fellows in the Princeton in Asia Fellows program work with international and local non-profit organizations and innovative businesses and enterprises in Asia to increase cross-cultural understanding between the United States and Asia. 

Read the full article here.