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The Commons is flexible space in the Hesburgh Center for our Kellogg community to study and gather in an informal setting. Open M-F, 8am to midnight. To reserve meeting rooms or for more info: 574.631.3434.
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Mac Johnson is a junior studying history and political science. At Notre Dame, he is a part of the pre-professionals club, an editor and writer for the Notre Dame Historical Review, and hosts his own radio show on WVFI, where he interviews special guests to learn more about the fields they specialize in. He joined the Kellogg Developing Researchers Program to acquire the skills needed to write a senior thesis and to pursue his interests in researching how a nation transitions into a democratic state for the first time and how the government evolves over time. He aspires to become a history professor after finishing graduate school and to conduct research of his own. In this program, he plans to utilize his time with a mentor professor to learn how to best pursue this career path and to sharpen his researching skills.