
American Political Science Association (APSA) 2023 Annual Meeting; Los Angeles, CA

Kellogg Institute Conference Travel Grants
Grant Year

Conference: American Political Science Association (APSA) 2023 Annual Meeting; Los Angeles, CA
August 31 – September 3, 2023

Presentation: “Collective Norms and Sector-Level Engagement with the State in East Jerusalem”


I attended the APSA 2023 conference in LA in September with assistance from the Kellogg Institute. I presented my paper titled Social Norms and Sector-Level Engagement with the State in East Jerusalem on a panel concerning Public Opinion and Political Behavior in the Middle East. The panel was a great success with four fascinating papers. My presentation went well, and I received helpful feedback from the discussant. It was especially helpful to have a senior scholar with issue area expertise give the green light that the paper was almost ready to send out. I am still learning to identify when my work is ready to send out, so this specific feedback was very helpful as I learn to recognize these features in my own work. I was able to make necessary edits and will be sending my paper out to a journal this coming week. In addition to the panel itself, I was able to network with several new people and with several connections I have made previously. The other sessions I attended were stimulating and gave me good ideas to incorporate into my dissertation.